BPN Legal
If your personal information has been posted on The Business Partnership Network, use our email address to report the issue. If you are receiving unwanted messages or suspect that something is a scam, please use the resources below for assistance.
Email Harassment
If you receive an email directly from another individual (i.e. you can see the sender's email address), that appears to be in reply to your ad on BPN, you can typically block their email address through your email account. It may be advisable to forward details of the messages, including the full email headers, to the sender's email account provider.
Please consider contacting law enforcement if you feel threatened.
Phone Harassment
If your personal information has been posted on BPN, use our online form to report the issue.
Please ask callers to flag the abusive posting containing your information.
If you are receiving repeated calls from a single phone number, you may be able to block the number with your phone or by calling your provider.
Please consider contacting law enforcement if you feel threatened.
Reporting Scams
Please flag postings and flag emails that appear to be scams.
Who should you notify about fraud or scam attempts?
United States:
You can report scams and any suspicious communications to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center, and/or your state Attorney General's Office.
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre or 888-495-8501 (toll-free)
If you are defrauded by someone you met in person, contact your local police department.
If you suspect that a BPN post may be connected to a scam, please send us the details.