The Business Partnership Network

About Us

What is The Business Partnership Network

The Business Partnership Network is a classified ads website dedicated solely to businesses and individuals seeking business partners/partnerships.

Why The Business Partnership Network

Approximately 10% of all small and medium sized businesses in the U.S. are owned by two or more partners. Partnerships are a way for businesses to raise private capital for expansion and other things, and are a way for individuals to invest private capital into existing businesses and receive a percentage of the profits in return.
Until now, there hasn’t been much of a way online for these parties to search for and find each other, and that’s why we created The Business Partnership Network.

The Business Partnership Network Service

Now you can advertise (VERY inexpensively) to find a partner for your existing business, or to find an existing business looking for a partner. Of course, all of our ads are free to browse, but advertising yourself is one of the best ways to find the best possible match for your interests and goals.
So, welcome to The Business Partnership Network; we wish you great success in your business and investing endeavors.

Credits: Home page background photo courtesy of Pixabay, by author azmilumry (Indonesian microstocker).